What is ANGAJE?

Welcome to the website of the National Association of Great Activists for Educated Youth (ANGAJE). Our association is dedicated to promoting education among young people to improve their quality of life and their future.

  • OUR website offers a variety of sections to help visitors better understand our mission and the actions we take to accomplish it.
  • In the section " In regards to“, you will find a detailed presentation of our association, its history and its team. You will also discover the main objectives we seek to achieve and the values we defend.
  • The section " Projects presents the various projects we have set up to promote education among young people. You will be able to discover projects for tutoring, professional orientation, academic support, literacy, etc. Each of these projects is accompanied by a detailed description and information on their impact.
  • The section " News » will keep you informed of all the latest news and events related to ANGAJE. We regularly share articles on our actions, the successes of our beneficiaries, the partnerships we have established, etc.
  • In the section " Learning resources“, you will find tools and resources to help you improve your education. We provide tutorials, guides, tips for passing your exams, educational videos, etc.
  • The section " Get involved » tells you about the different ways to support our association. You can make a donation, become a volunteer, share our website on social networks, or participate in one of our events.
  • Finally, the section " Contact » allows you to contact us if you have any questions, remarks or if you wish to join us. You will also find all the information you need to contact us by phone, e-mail or post.

We hope you enjoy your visit to our website and that you will be inspired by our commitment to educated youth.